IV Press Article 10-21-15 ### Vegetable Growers Association Names Officers


IV VEGETABLE GROWERS: Association names new officers

Posted: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 12:10 am


The Board of Directors of the Imperial Valley Vegetable Growers Association recently elected the 2015-2017 slate of officers stated a press release from the association.

Brian Strahm of Artesia Farms was named president of the association. Other officers named are First Vice President Jack Vessey, Vessey & Company; Second Vice President Thomas Cox, Lawrence Cox Ranches; and Secretary/Treasurer Bruce Sanbonmatsu of Sanbon Inc.

In addition to the new officers, board members re-elected to serve the two-year terms are Andrew Colace, AMC Farms; Danny Colace, Five Crowns Marketing; Craig Elmore, Desert Sky Farms; Richard Elmore, Sahara Packing Company, John Hawk, Horizon Farms LLC, Mike Iten, Grimmway Farms; Alex Jack, Jack Bros; J.P. LaBrucherie, LaBrucherie Produces; Alan Luke, D’Arrigo Brothers; Jimmy Mainas, Mainas Farms; Wheeler Morgan, Far West Ranches; Jeff Percy, Desert Mist Farms; and George Stergios, South Valley Inc.

New members to the board are Thomas Cox, Lawrence Cox Ranches; Scott Howington, Oasis Farms; and Steve Taylor, Oceano Packing.

The Advisory Board consists of Joe Colace Jr., Five Crowns Marketing; Larry Cox, Lawrence Cox Ranches, Steve Emanuelli, Emanuelli & Sons; Robert Fleming, Spruce Farms, Ed McGrew, Magco; Frank Riddle, formerly of Grimmway, and Mike Sudduth, Mike Sudduth Farms.

“IVVGA has been an important part of the produce industry in Imperial Valley since 1968 and with the leadership of this incoming board will continue to be. I am pleased and honored to have the opportunity to serve as president,” stated Strahm.

“The last two years have been rewarding. IVVGA has stepped up to each of the issues and provided the requisite leadership” stated Morgan.

IVVGA represents almost 100 members throughout the produce industry and affiliated business that operate in the Imperial Valley.